Product Marketing

Hire an expert Product Marketer to help grow your business

We've found the best marketing specialists so you don't have to

Our Specialists are trusted by companies like

What is Product Marketing?

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Taking the stress out of hiring a Product Marketer

Why hire a Product Marketer?

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

How we vet Product Marketers

We undertake a deep screening process to ensure that all our specialists are incredibly high quality and passionate about delivering excellent work.

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Filter the best

Each day, we receive a large volume of applications and handpick only the best marketing specialists to move onto the next stage of vetting.

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In-depth review

We then do an extensive review of each potential specialist's technical skills, experience, portfolios and references.

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We conduct an interview with each potential specialist during which we assess their fit for Passionfruit projects, professionalism and passion.

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Written task

Passionfruit candidates then submit a short written task which we use to assess their deep technical knowledge.

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Reference check

Passionfruit Specialists undergo a reference check with relevant past clients and companies.

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On-going monitoring

Passionfruit specialists are monitored on an ongoing basis during projects to ensure that they continue to deliver the  high quality service that we expect.

Ready to hire a Product Marketer?

In just a few clicks you'll be on your way to finding the exact support you need to grow your early stage business.

Product Marketer

Hire a Product Marketer to get more leads in a competitive market

Bring your product to life in a competitive market through clear messaging and effective positioning.

We’ve found the best product marketers so you don’t have to.

Product Marketer

What is Product Marketing?

Product marketing is the practice of taking a company’s product or service into the market through a go-to-market (GTM) strategy. A few key elements within a product strategy include the following:

  • Differentiated product messaging
  • Building thought-leadership
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Demand-generation support
  • Sales enablement

The number of new startups and product launches continues to grow, which means markets are becoming more saturated. Hence, it’s increasingly important to differentiate your product or service offering from your competitors.

If you have a great product to introduce to consumers, that’s awesome.

But a great product by itself isn’t enough. It has to be plainly obvious why it’s better than the other alternative solutions that exist.

Why hire a Product Marketer?

To show why you're the best available option in the market, you’ll need to communicate the product features effectively to your audience.

A product marketer does exactly that by showcasing your solution in a way that pinpoints your target market’s needs. In other words, by speaking their language, addressing their pain points, and making yourself distinguishable from the competition.

Most importantly, they can help you achieve a product-market fit as they’ll have in-depth knowledge on your ideal customer's best interests.

By understanding who they are inside and out, it means you can serve them better.

And knowing how to serve them better leads to finding opportunities where you can fit in.

What does a Product Marketer do? 

They’re tasked with supplementing effective marketing strategies to reach your audience and get more inbound leads.

To be precise, there are 4 key areas they’re focused on:

  • Product positioning: how your product is perceived by target customers.
  • Product development: going from an idea to an established product in the market.
  • Product messaging: how you communicate what your product has to offer.
  • Product promotion: marketing your solution to a wide range of potential buyers.

Product marketers understand your product values, how it works, and the benefits derived from its key features.

But right now, we’re talking jargon.

Speaking in this language of tech isn’t going to have the same profound impact on consumers compared to being simple, direct, and concise. This is where some of the essential skills of a product marketer come into play. 

Product Marketer responsibilities

The responsibilities in a product marketing role are important for developing a successful product roadmap, improving the customer experience, and optimising the customer journey. 

Here’s what a product marketer from Passionfruit can do for you:

  • Lead and manage product launches
  • Develop a powerful sales collateral
  • Thorough customer, competitor, and market research
  • Translate your product values into a compelling unique value proposition 
  • Collaborate with the sales department, engineering department, and marketing department 
  • Share input on the variables affecting your pricing model
  • Outline buyer personas to tailor market strategies for potential customers
  • Use analytics tools to influence product decisions
  • Analyse internal feedback to provide a better user experience 
  • Partake in content creation, e.g. writing a blog post or customer case studies 

Product Marketer Vs Product Manager

Product managers focus on the creation and development of a product so that it fulfils a need in the marketplace. They’re proactively involved in product management to ensure internal teams stay on top of the overall mission.

In contrast, product marketing managers are focused on advertising the product. They help the product team by using customer feedback to devise engaging marketing campaigns. One priority is product growth, meaning that one of the main driving forces behind a company’s scalability is because of the product itself. 

Unlike how product managers oversee the operational procedures, the primary goal of product marketing managers is to craft a product story and share its message with relevant audiences.

Measuring the success of your Product Marketing team

The success of your product marketing strategy is measurable through key performance indicators (KPIs). 

Before that though, you should have a few SMART goals set such as:

  • Increase the number of monthly users by 30%
  • Increase the number of website visitors by 50%
  • Increase the number of paying customers by 70% 

In this instance, the relevant KPIs to track could be the following: 

  • User signup rates 
  • Organic search traffic
  • Sales revenue

Other important metrics may include: 

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Conversion rates
  • Customer acquisition cost
  • Customer churn rate
  • User retention rate 
  • Product usage

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How much does a Product Marketer cost?

In the UK, the base salary could be as low as £30,000 per year. However, it could also be as high as £150,000 per year.

In contrast, the cost of hiring a freelance product marketer would be minimised since they won’t be working full-time hours like a normal in-house employee. They may charge on an hourly basis, per project basis, or on a monthly basis depending on the scope of the project.

Product Marketers usually cost £550/day to £650/day or more and they normally work 2-3 days per week. 

Work with the best Product Marketers using Passionfruit

Passionfruit is a platform made up of hundreds of marketing specialists with the critical skills required for growing a business from the ground up.

Here’s what companies of all sizes stand to gain:

  • Hire the top 12% of product marketers
  • Premium marketing services at competitive rates
  • Get matched with your specialist within 48 hours

Sounds good? Then find the right specialist for your marketing needs now at no cost by getting started below!

Ready to hire a freelance Product Marketer?

Get matched with a qualified expert within 72 hours

Join thousands of other leading companies and specialists using the Passionfruit platform to grow their businesses and careers!

How we vet

Here’s how we vet the top 12% of Product Marketers

We’re picky about who we choose to work with. Only the most skilled and experienced specialists are accepted into our platform. 

We undertake a deep screening process to confirm they’re both passionate about delivering excellent work and capable of getting results. 

​​Here's our 6 step process for determining a candidate's eligibility.

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Filter the best

We receive applications from a range of digital marketers. All applicants are screened based on their experience, skills, and professionalism.

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In-depth review

Portfolios and work samples are reviewed before scheduling an interview to get a better understanding of their skill set. 

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We’re picky about who we choose to work with. Not many applicants get past this stage because we make sure they have what it takes to make a positive impact on your company’s growth. 

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On-going monitoring

Each project is monitored by us on an ongoing basis to ensure work is being delivered to the highest standard.

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Reference check

Applicants are requested to provide a list of references. We check in with past clients and companies they’ve worked with. 

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Written task

All those who pass the interview phase are now required to submit a written task to assess their technical knowledge and expertise. 

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At last, a freelance Product Marketer you can trust

Get matched with a qualified expert within 72 hours

Join thousands of other leading companies and specialists using the Passionfruit platform to grow their businesses and careers!


How Does Product Marketing Improve Sales Revenue?

It builds marketing assets for your organisation. When people are aware of how much value your product offers because of your product marketing campaigns and product demos, it can help you get more leads and sales. This stems from identifying the market demand and resonating with their needs, which is what makes product marketing rewarding.

What Do You Need to Be a Good Product Marketer?

Interpersonal skills and experience in project management. Being knowledgeable about demand gen, lead gen, the sales funnel, and the foundations of marketing are also important. They have a well-rounded understanding of how sales and marketing work.

When Is It a Good Time to Hire a Product Marketer?

There are two scenarios. One, you have a new product that you want to launch. Or two, you’re in the process of developing a new product or a new product feature. A product marketer will help you establish your business and meet the expectations of your audience.

Are There Different Types of Product Marketers?

A product marketer usually takes on the role of being a product marketing manager. However, there are different elements involved in product marketing such as pricing, market segmentation, product awareness, competitive differentiation, and more.

What Makes a Great Product Marketer?

They have a growth mindset when it comes to problem-solving. The sentiments and pains of customers can be broken down into a simple message. On top of having excellent communication skills and copywriting skills, they’re highly analytical. 

Need more help?

Looking for more than just a freelance Product Marketer?

We’ve made it easy to find all the vetted growth support you need 

Whether that includes a digital marketing executive or a growth marketer, we’ll help you build a full marketing team of experts in just a few clicks.

Hire a Freelance Creative Director to oversee your brand vision

Home to the next generation of leading independent marketing specialists

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What is Product Marketing?

Product marketing is the practice of taking a company’s product or service into the market through a go-to-market (GTM) strategy. A few key elements within a product strategy include the following:

  • Differentiated product messaging
  • Building thought-leadership
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Demand-generation support
  • Sales enablement

The number of new startups and product launches continues to grow, which means markets are becoming more saturated. Hence, it’s increasingly important to differentiate your product or service offering from your competitors.

If you have a great product to introduce to consumers, that’s awesome.

But a great product by itself isn’t enough. It has to be plainly obvious why it’s better than the other alternative solutions that exist.

Why hire a Product Marketer?

To show why you're the best available option in the market, you’ll need to communicate the product features effectively to your audience.

A product marketer does exactly that by showcasing your solution in a way that pinpoints your target market’s needs. In other words, by speaking their language, addressing their pain points, and making yourself distinguishable from the competition.

Most importantly, they can help you achieve a product-market fit as they’ll have in-depth knowledge on your ideal customer's best interests.

By understanding who they are inside and out, it means you can serve them better.

And knowing how to serve them better leads to finding opportunities where you can fit in.

What does a Product Marketer do? 

They’re tasked with supplementing effective marketing strategies to reach your audience and get more inbound leads.

To be precise, there are 4 key areas they’re focused on:

  • Product positioning: how your product is perceived by target customers.
  • Product development: going from an idea to an established product in the market.
  • Product messaging: how you communicate what your product has to offer.
  • Product promotion: marketing your solution to a wide range of potential buyers.

Product marketers understand your product values, how it works, and the benefits derived from its key features.

But right now, we’re talking jargon.

Speaking in this language of tech isn’t going to have the same profound impact on consumers compared to being simple, direct, and concise. This is where some of the essential skills of a product marketer come into play. 

Product Marketer responsibilities

The responsibilities in a product marketing role are important for developing a successful product roadmap, improving the customer experience, and optimising the customer journey. 

Here’s what a product marketer from Passionfruit can do for you:

  • Lead and manage product launches
  • Develop a powerful sales collateral
  • Thorough customer, competitor, and market research
  • Translate your product values into a compelling unique value proposition 
  • Collaborate with the sales department, engineering department, and marketing department 
  • Share input on the variables affecting your pricing model
  • Outline buyer personas to tailor market strategies for potential customers
  • Use analytics tools to influence product decisions
  • Analyse internal feedback to provide a better user experience 
  • Partake in content creation, e.g. writing a blog post or customer case studies 

Product Marketer Vs Product Manager

Product managers focus on the creation and development of a product so that it fulfils a need in the marketplace. They’re proactively involved in product management to ensure internal teams stay on top of the overall mission.

In contrast, product marketing managers are focused on advertising the product. They help the product team by using customer feedback to devise engaging marketing campaigns. One priority is product growth, meaning that one of the main driving forces behind a company’s scalability is because of the product itself. 

Unlike how product managers oversee the operational procedures, the primary goal of product marketing managers is to craft a product story and share its message with relevant audiences.

Measuring the success of your Product Marketing team

The success of your product marketing strategy is measurable through key performance indicators (KPIs). 

Before that though, you should have a few SMART goals set such as:

  • Increase the number of monthly users by 30%
  • Increase the number of website visitors by 50%
  • Increase the number of paying customers by 70% 

In this instance, the relevant KPIs to track could be the following: 

  • User signup rates 
  • Organic search traffic
  • Sales revenue

Other important metrics may include: 

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Conversion rates
  • Customer acquisition cost
  • Customer churn rate
  • User retention rate 
  • Product usage

Hire like the best in the business

To be the best, you need to learn from the best.

What is Product Marketing?

Product marketing is the practice of taking a company’s product or service into the market through a go-to-market (GTM) strategy. A few key elements within a product strategy include the following:

  • Differentiated product messaging
  • Building thought-leadership
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Demand-generation support
  • Sales enablement

The number of new startups and product launches continues to grow, which means markets are becoming more saturated. Hence, it’s increasingly important to differentiate your product or service offering from your competitors.

If you have a great product to introduce to consumers, that’s awesome.

But a great product by itself isn’t enough. It has to be plainly obvious why it’s better than the other alternative solutions that exist.

Why hire a Product Marketer?

To show why you're the best available option in the market, you’ll need to communicate the product features effectively to your audience.

A product marketer does exactly that by showcasing your solution in a way that pinpoints your target market’s needs. In other words, by speaking their language, addressing their pain points, and making yourself distinguishable from the competition.

Most importantly, they can help you achieve a product-market fit as they’ll have in-depth knowledge on your ideal customer's best interests.

By understanding who they are inside and out, it means you can serve them better.

And knowing how to serve them better leads to finding opportunities where you can fit in.

What does a Product Marketer do? 

They’re tasked with supplementing effective marketing strategies to reach your audience and get more inbound leads.

To be precise, there are 4 key areas they’re focused on:

  • Product positioning: how your product is perceived by target customers.
  • Product development: going from an idea to an established product in the market.
  • Product messaging: how you communicate what your product has to offer.
  • Product promotion: marketing your solution to a wide range of potential buyers.

Product marketers understand your product values, how it works, and the benefits derived from its key features.

But right now, we’re talking jargon.

Speaking in this language of tech isn’t going to have the same profound impact on consumers compared to being simple, direct, and concise. This is where some of the essential skills of a product marketer come into play. 

Product Marketer responsibilities

The responsibilities in a product marketing role are important for developing a successful product roadmap, improving the customer experience, and optimising the customer journey. 

Here’s what a product marketer from Passionfruit can do for you:

  • Lead and manage product launches
  • Develop a powerful sales collateral
  • Thorough customer, competitor, and market research
  • Translate your product values into a compelling unique value proposition 
  • Collaborate with the sales department, engineering department, and marketing department 
  • Share input on the variables affecting your pricing model
  • Outline buyer personas to tailor market strategies for potential customers
  • Use analytics tools to influence product decisions
  • Analyse internal feedback to provide a better user experience 
  • Partake in content creation, e.g. writing a blog post or customer case studies 

Product Marketer Vs Product Manager

Product managers focus on the creation and development of a product so that it fulfils a need in the marketplace. They’re proactively involved in product management to ensure internal teams stay on top of the overall mission.

In contrast, product marketing managers are focused on advertising the product. They help the product team by using customer feedback to devise engaging marketing campaigns. One priority is product growth, meaning that one of the main driving forces behind a company’s scalability is because of the product itself. 

Unlike how product managers oversee the operational procedures, the primary goal of product marketing managers is to craft a product story and share its message with relevant audiences.

Measuring the success of your Product Marketing team

The success of your product marketing strategy is measurable through key performance indicators (KPIs). 

Before that though, you should have a few SMART goals set such as:

  • Increase the number of monthly users by 30%
  • Increase the number of website visitors by 50%
  • Increase the number of paying customers by 70% 

In this instance, the relevant KPIs to track could be the following: 

  • User signup rates 
  • Organic search traffic
  • Sales revenue

Other important metrics may include: 

  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Conversion rates
  • Customer acquisition cost
  • Customer churn rate
  • User retention rate 
  • Product usage

Ready to hire a freelance Product Marketer?

Join thousands of other businesses around the world using the Passionfruit platform to elevate their businesses and marketing teams.

Get matched with a qualified expert within 72 hours

Understand our vetting process

Only 12% of freelancers are accepted into the Passionfruit network. We use a six-step process to ensure quality.

Filter the best
We screen applicants based on their experience, skills and professionalism.
In-depth review
Then we request a portfolio or examples of work before their interview.
Next, we interview applicants to make sure they have what it takes to make an impact.
Written task
We also request references and check in with past clients and companies.
Reference check
We also request references and check in with past clients and companies.
On-going monitoring
With regular check-ins, we ensure they deliver the highest standard throughout each project.

Frequently asked questions

How Does Product Marketing Improve Sales Revenue?
What Do You Need to Be a Good Product Marketer?
When Is It a Good Time to Hire a Product Marketer?
Are There Different Types of Product Marketers?
What Makes a Great Product Marketer?

Ready to hire a freelance Product Marketer?

Join thousands of other businesses around the world using the Passionfruit platform to elevate their businesses and marketing teams.

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Get matched with a qualified expert within 72 hours