Brand Strategy

Hire an expert Brand Strategist to help grow your business

We've found the best marketing specialists so you don't have to

Our Specialists are trusted by companies like

What is Brand Strategy?

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Taking the stress out of hiring a Brand Strategist

Why hire a Brand Strategist?

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

How we vet Brand Strategists

We undertake a deep screening process to ensure that all our specialists are incredibly high quality and passionate about delivering excellent work.

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Filter the best

Each day, we receive a large volume of applications and handpick only the best marketing specialists to move onto the next stage of vetting.

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In-depth review

We then do an extensive review of each potential specialist's technical skills, experience, portfolios and references.

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We conduct an interview with each potential specialist during which we assess their fit for Passionfruit projects, professionalism and passion.

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Written task

Passionfruit candidates then submit a short written task which we use to assess their deep technical knowledge.

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Reference check

Passionfruit Specialists undergo a reference check with relevant past clients and companies.

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On-going monitoring

Passionfruit specialists are monitored on an ongoing basis during projects to ensure that they continue to deliver the  high quality service that we expect.

Ready to hire a Brand Strategist?

In just a few clicks you'll be on your way to finding the exact support you need to grow your early stage business.

Brand Strategist

Hire an expert Brand Strategist to help grow your business

We've found the best marketing specialists so you don't have to.

Brand Strategy

What is Brand Strategy?

Brand marketing is the practice of developing a company's brand identity which defines who they are and governs what they do and how they do it. They do this through a mixture of data gathering, analysis and competitive research which provide options for the most promising territory upon which to build and hone a brand. This is often sector-dependent but many brands have wrong-footed competitors by adopting brand characteristics not expected from similar companies. As performance channels have become increasingly expensive, marketers are remembering the value of a strong brand as a means of reducing the amount that needs to be spent on such channels. 

Why hire a Brand Strategist?

Does your company need to find its place in the market? Do you need a long-term strategy that is properly researched and backed up? Passionfruit Brand Marketing specialists can help your business by conducting first and third party research, conducting competitive analysis, developing brand guideline development and creating your brand book. All of these activities will help employees, now and in the future, to build a brand that has a strong voice, mission and position. 

What does a Brand Strategist do?

A Brand Strategist focuses on creating, maintaining and improving a brand's overall image using all the tools they have at their disposal. They also help to define what the brand stands for and how they will communicate that effectively with the public and company-wide. Basically, they map out the strategy that will lead to the brand's success and help the company achieve its long-term goals. Finally they will help to implement the strategy effectively. 

Brand Strategist responsibilities

  • Define the company positioning
  • A thorough understanding of the market the brand operates in 
  • Uncover the brand's unique and distinctive offering
  • Conduct research into the company's strengths and weaknesses
  • Create a strategy for the marketing team to follow
  • Craft guidelines for how the company sounds in communications 
  • Set out the brand's storytelling 
  • A creative strategist will share initial design concepts

How much does a freelance Brand Strategist cost? 

Companies can invest from £500/day, up to £650/day, or more. A freelance brand strategist usually works 2 days per week. 

Due to a brand strategist's expertise (and likely vast experience) the cost of a freelance Brand Strategist is likely to be high. However, the transformation a good Brand Strategist can make to your company is invaluable!

How Cosmo designed a brand that Kokoro could be proud of

Cosmo, a multi-award winning brand design specialist created a globally distinctive brand identity for Kokoro. So distinctive, it won them silver in Creativepool (The Creative Industries Biggest Award) 2022 Annual awards for branding and social good.

Thinking of updating your brand image? Read this case study to find out what could happen if you do.

Read the Case Study

If not, that’s totally cool. Keep scrolling to learn more about how Passionfruit can be of service.

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See Any Companies You’re Familiar With? 

Brand Strategist vs Brand Manager 

You may see both these terms referenced but they are actually different roles.

Brand managers don't formulate the brand strategy, they cover the buying, sourcing and manufacturing decisions relating to the brand image. Their job is to ensure that the company is meeting budget requirements.

Brand Strategist vs Creative Brand Strategist

There is some contention on whether or not there should be a difference between these two terms, as many argue that all Brand Strategists are creative. However, some say that Creative Strategists get involved with the process after the creative idea is decided upon whereas Brand Strategists begin setting the strategy at the beginning of the process. Make sure you are upfront with what exactly it is you need from your Brand Strategist whilst in the hiring process so you get someone that will be worth your money.

Ready to hire a freelance Brand Strategist?

Get matched with a qualified expert within 72 hours

Join thousands of other leading companies and specialists using the Passionfruit platform to grow their businesses and careers!

How we vet

How we vet Brand Strategists

We undertake a deep screening process to ensure that all our specialists are high quality and passionate about delivering excellent work.

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Filter the best

We receive applications from a range of digital marketers. All applicants are screened based on their experience, skills, and professionalism.

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In-depth review

Portfolios and work samples are reviewed before scheduling an interview to get a better understanding of their skill set. 

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We’re picky about who we choose to work with. Not many applicants get past this stage because we make sure they have what it takes to make a positive impact on your company’s growth. 

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On-going monitoring

Each project is monitored by us on an ongoing basis to ensure work is being delivered to the highest standard.

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Reference check

Applicants are requested to provide a list of references. We check in with past clients and companies they’ve worked with. 

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Written task

All those who pass the interview phase are now required to submit a written task to assess their technical knowledge and expertise. 

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At last, a freelance Brand Strategist you can trust

Get matched with a qualified expert within 72 hours

Join thousands of other leading companies and specialists using the Passionfruit platform to grow their businesses and careers!


Do I need a Brand Strategist?

A good Brand Strategist has a deep understanding of marketing because they will be able to help your business find and carve out an area in the market. They can directly affect the success of your company, with strategic, big-picture thinking and implementation. You should hire a strategist with experience who can guide your company to its goals using thorough research, marketing expertise and creativity.

What is brand strategy development?

Developing a brand strategy means hiring a Brand Strategist to conduct initial research on the company and its reputation as a way of gauging what they are dealing with. Target customers will be identified and then assessed as to whether they're being effectively targeted or not. A strategy could involve rebranding, changing the storytelling through words or design and assessing and improving marketing channels. A strategy will be developed after thorough research into your company has been undertaken and understood.

What makes a good Brand Strategist?

Someone who can come and make an impact in this highly specialised role needs the ability to translate complex concepts into clear communications that your team can follow and implement. It's great to have a clear vision, but can that vision be carried out effectively? A great Brand Strategist should also be able to conduct research that uncovers deep insights, not just things that are obvious or that someone in your company could have figured out. 

Need more help?

Looking for more than just a freelance Brand Strategist?

We’ve made it easy to find all the vetted growth support you need 

Whether that includes a digital marketing executive or a growth marketer, we’ll help you build a full marketing team of experts in just a few clicks.

Hire a Freelance Creative Director to oversee your brand vision

Home to the next generation of leading independent marketing specialists

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What is Brand Strategy?

Brand marketing is the practice of developing a company's brand identity which defines who they are and governs what they do and how they do it. They do this through a mixture of data gathering, analysis and competitive research which provide options for the most promising territory upon which to build and hone a brand. This is often sector-dependent but many brands have wrong-footed competitors by adopting brand characteristics not expected from similar companies. As performance channels have become increasingly expensive, marketers are remembering the value of a strong brand as a means of reducing the amount that needs to be spent on such channels. 

Why hire a Brand Strategist?

Does your company need to find its place in the market? Do you need a long-term strategy that is properly researched and backed up? Passionfruit Brand Marketing specialists can help your business by conducting first and third party research, conducting competitive analysis, developing brand guideline development and creating your brand book. All of these activities will help employees, now and in the future, to build a brand that has a strong voice, mission and position. 

What does a Brand Strategist do?

A Brand Strategist focuses on creating, maintaining and improving a brand's overall image using all the tools they have at their disposal. They also help to define what the brand stands for and how they will communicate that effectively with the public and company-wide. Basically, they map out the strategy that will lead to the brand's success and help the company achieve its long-term goals. Finally they will help to implement the strategy effectively. 

Brand Strategist responsibilities

  • Define the company positioning
  • A thorough understanding of the market the brand operates in 
  • Uncover the brand's unique and distinctive offering
  • Conduct research into the company's strengths and weaknesses
  • Create a strategy for the marketing team to follow
  • Craft guidelines for how the company sounds in communications 
  • Set out the brand's storytelling 
  • A creative strategist will share initial design concepts

How much does a freelance Brand Strategist cost? 

Companies can invest from £500/day, up to £650/day, or more. A freelance brand strategist usually works 2 days per week. 

Due to a brand strategist's expertise (and likely vast experience) the cost of a freelance Brand Strategist is likely to be high. However, the transformation a good Brand Strategist can make to your company is invaluable!

Hire like the best in the business

To be the best, you need to learn from the best.

What is Brand Strategy?

Brand marketing is the practice of developing a company's brand identity which defines who they are and governs what they do and how they do it. They do this through a mixture of data gathering, analysis and competitive research which provide options for the most promising territory upon which to build and hone a brand. This is often sector-dependent but many brands have wrong-footed competitors by adopting brand characteristics not expected from similar companies. As performance channels have become increasingly expensive, marketers are remembering the value of a strong brand as a means of reducing the amount that needs to be spent on such channels. 

Why hire a Brand Strategist?

Does your company need to find its place in the market? Do you need a long-term strategy that is properly researched and backed up? Passionfruit Brand Marketing specialists can help your business by conducting first and third party research, conducting competitive analysis, developing brand guideline development and creating your brand book. All of these activities will help employees, now and in the future, to build a brand that has a strong voice, mission and position. 

What does a Brand Strategist do?

A Brand Strategist focuses on creating, maintaining and improving a brand's overall image using all the tools they have at their disposal. They also help to define what the brand stands for and how they will communicate that effectively with the public and company-wide. Basically, they map out the strategy that will lead to the brand's success and help the company achieve its long-term goals. Finally they will help to implement the strategy effectively. 

Brand Strategist responsibilities

  • Define the company positioning
  • A thorough understanding of the market the brand operates in 
  • Uncover the brand's unique and distinctive offering
  • Conduct research into the company's strengths and weaknesses
  • Create a strategy for the marketing team to follow
  • Craft guidelines for how the company sounds in communications 
  • Set out the brand's storytelling 
  • A creative strategist will share initial design concepts

How much does a freelance Brand Strategist cost? 

Companies can invest from £500/day, up to £650/day, or more. A freelance brand strategist usually works 2 days per week. 

Due to a brand strategist's expertise (and likely vast experience) the cost of a freelance Brand Strategist is likely to be high. However, the transformation a good Brand Strategist can make to your company is invaluable!

Ready to hire a freelance Brand Strategist?

Join thousands of other businesses around the world using the Passionfruit platform to elevate their businesses and marketing teams.

Get matched with a qualified expert within 72 hours

Understand our vetting process

Only 12% of freelancers are accepted into the Passionfruit network. We use a six-step process to ensure quality.

Filter the best
We screen applicants based on their experience, skills and professionalism.
In-depth review
Then we request a portfolio or examples of work before their interview.
Next, we interview applicants to make sure they have what it takes to make an impact.
Written task
We also request references and check in with past clients and companies.
Reference check
We also request references and check in with past clients and companies.
On-going monitoring
With regular check-ins, we ensure they deliver the highest standard throughout each project.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need a Brand Strategist?
What is brand strategy development?
What makes a good Brand Strategist?

Ready to hire a freelance Brand Strategist?

Join thousands of other businesses around the world using the Passionfruit platform to elevate their businesses and marketing teams.

Hire a Brand Strategist
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Get matched with a qualified expert within 72 hours