Hokodo, a B2B Fintech company, aims to empower the B2B space with it’s innovative ‘Buy now, pay later’ solution. It makes payments fair and accessible to both sellers and buyers and removes the hassle and risk associated with businesses offering payment terms online.
Their mission is simple. To enable 1 million businesses to access a better way to pay by 2025.
With a talented and forward-thinking internal team, Hokodo had confidence they would achieve their mission. But, in March 2023, it became clear that to achieve this, areas of their marketing strategy needed to level-up and be improved.
The team knew exactly where to start. They had to dive head-first into the world of SEO and SEO Content.
Hokodo’s team were lacking expertise when it came to search engine optimisation. But, they understood the importance of SEO — specifically good SEO content — and the role it plays in overall brand and website health. After all, how could potential customers find them if they didn’t appear in a Google search?
To level up their team’s SEO knowledge and strategy, and to set themselves up for success long-term, the company decided to invest in a freelancer.
Hokodo were looking for an experienced SEO specialist who could confidently join the team and audit their current efforts, identifying what they were already doing well and where they could improve.
Ideally, the specialist could then help them set and implement an SEO strategy — from both a technical and a content perspective — to help them achieve the best results going forward.