The Marketing Oscars 2024

Forget Hollywood, forget Oppenheimer and forget Cillian Murphy and Emma Stone, the real Oscar winners can be found on this page.

This year, Passionfruit is hosting the first-ever Marketing Oscars, where we’re celebrating the best marketers out there.

Categories are as follows…
  • Leading female marketer
  • Leading male marketer
  • Best marketing initiative
  • Most viral moment
  • Best female marketing director
  • Best male marketing director
  • Best personal brand
  • Best social media marketer
  • The iconic marketer award
  • Top marketing voice
  • Most consistent marketer
  • Leading brand marketer (female)
  • Leading brand marketer (male)
  • Best breakthrough marketer
  • Best freelancer female marketer
  • Best freelance male marketer

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Sophie Miller
Founder/Director - Pretty Little Marketer
Leading Female Marketer
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Her community, Pretty Little Marketer has over 300K followers across all social media channels and Sophie alone, has 164K followers on LinkedIn.

One thing is obvious. Sophie knows exactly how to capture an audience. And, that is why she is our Leading Female Marketer. Sophie knows what marketing tactics work and she shares them with the world. Through her webinars, newsletter, social media content and IRL events, Sophie consistently prioritises and nurtures her community.

There is no gatekeeping. Everything Sophie knows, she shares and that is why her community is so loyal.

Joe Glover
Co-Founder - The Marketing Meetup
Leading Male Marketer
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Joe Glover is Co-Founder of one of the greatest communities for marketing; The Marketing Meetup. And, he’s probably the loveliest man in Marketing.

The Marketing Meetup is a community of over 46,000 marketers globally. Their mission is simple. To help their community learn and progress in a safe space where no one feels judged.

Joe is a self-professed introvert, speaking of a time when he was too shy to talk to people at networking events. Now, that’s hard to believe considering Joe and his team run over 140 events a year and he speaks at the majority of them. Joe is our Leading Male Marketer because when he was looking for a space to meet other marketers to learn from, he couldn’t find one. So, he made one himself. And that space is thriving.

Georgina Bolton Carter
Head of Brand - Dash Water
Most Viral Moment
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Dash Water is a fun and playful brand. And, last summer that playful side helped them go viral.

In June 2023, Dash stole the spotlight by pulling off a hilarious PR stunt. Three team members turned up to the High Courtroom where Prince Harry was being cross-examined in a phone hacking trial with a sign saying “Harry doesn’t want the limelight but we do”.

Never wasting an opportunity for self-promotion, they also handed out free samples to the camera crew and bystanders waiting to catch a glimpse of Prince Harry.

The clever stunt made it onto BBC News, and all of the top marketing news outlets like The Drum and Famous Campaigns. It also generated over 1.8 million views on TikTok. Amazing what a sign can do.

Emily Lorimer
Head of Social - Gymshark
Best Social Media Marketer
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There aren’t many brands out there there with a huge online presence like Gymshark. Think of social media and you think of Gymshark.

The activewear brand practically invented influencer marketing. Teaming up with ‘fitness influencers’ before the term had even been coined. They took the fitness industry by storm and paved the way by focusing on Instagram to grow its customer base.

Emily has been on the Social Media team for over 4 years and has been a crucial part in helping the brand grow. With 5.3m followers on TikTok and 94.7m likes and 6.8m followers on Instagram, it’s safe to say, they have smashed socials. Their content is genuine, inclusive and speaks to everyone.

Claudia Winter
Marketing Director - Blank Street Coffee
Best Female Marketing Director
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If you haven’t heard of Blank Street, where have you been?! It has to be one of the most aesthetic coffee shops in the world. Its matcha green branding is everything. And speaking of matcha, Blank Street’s blueberry matcha latte has taken London by storm.

Claudia, who is their Marketing Director, has won our Best Female Marketing Director Oscar because she is a woman of many talents. Claudia is part of a small team and leads all of the marketing efforts, which prove to be working. Within 18 months of launching in London, Blank Street won the Best Coffee Chain in all of the UK and Ireland at the European Coffee Awards.

We love a woman who wears many marketing hats, and Claudia you wear all of yours well. Now, go treat yourself a matcha.

Harry Symes Thompson
Director of Marketing - Wild
Best Male Marketing Director
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Wild is a company we have been following for a while. In 2023, they were listed as one of the Top 100 startups and since then, Wild has not stopped growing.

They recently announced that Wild are rolling out a fully branded “bay” in Tesco filled with Wild products including deodorant, body wash, shampoo and conditioner. Wild right? And there’s no way they could have got to where they are now without the help of Harry, their Director of Marketing.

Harry is part of the Founding team at Wild and has helped build its presence online and offline. From the first nationwide TV campaign this year, to its clever OOH billboards and authentic influencer partnerships, Wild does it all and they do it brilliantly.

Grace Andrews
Marketing Director - Diary of a CMO
Best Personal Brand
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Grace Andrews has a personal brand most can only dream of. Grace started her career as Social Media Manager for Steven Bartlett & The Diary of a CEO, whilst also building her social media empire.

She has over 76.5K followers on LinkedIn, 57K followers on Instagram and 42.4K likes on her TikTok channel. For most of us mere marketing mortals, being a Marketing Director would keep us busy enough. But not for our, Grace. She spends her spare time prioritising her personal brand.

Grace just gets it. She knows what people want to see and what will land on social media. Through Diary of a CEO and her channels, Grace has trialled and tested hundreds of different hooks, formats and layouts and she knows what works. Grace has the winning formula and this is just the beginning…

Elfried Samba
CEO & Co-founder - Butterfly 3ffect
The Iconic Marketer Award
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The most iconic marketer award goes to…

Elfried Samba. Because, well, he’s just iconic.

Elfried is the CEO and Co-Founder of the Butterfly 3ffect, a social media agency focused on connecting culture and delivering industry-leading marketing. Before that, Elfried had the small role of, Global Head of Social Content at Gymshark. There he played a huge role in growing Gymsharks’ brand and fitness community from 1.5 million to 20 million over the 7 years he was with them.

If you don’t follow Elfried on LinkedIn, you better run and do that now. He has an eye for brilliant marketing campaigns and beautiful copy and he shares his findings with his audience daily. Everything Elfried posts is golden.

Andrew Tindall
Senior Vice President - System1Group
Top Marketing Voice
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Andrew Tindall works with some of the world’s largest brands to understand what the best ads are and why they work.

Originally, Andrew started his career in the beverage industry, working for Barcadi and Diageo. But, now he focuses purely on ads.

So, why did Andrew win our Top Marketing Voice award? Because his thought-leadership content is unmatched. Not only is his content thought-provoking, but it’s genuinely funny and unlike most, it’s driven by data. Meaning, there’s proof behind what he’s saying.

Andrew is never afraid to share his (sometimes controversial) opinion, which we love. He ticks all the boxes.

Jessica Carroll
Head of Marketing - Judopay
Most Consistent Marketer
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Judopay’s marketing is consistently great. And, the mastermind behind it all is their Head of Marketing, Jessica Carroll.

It’s not been an easy role for Jess to continuously raise the bar at Judopay. In fact, in 2022, Jeremy Nicholds, the CEO of Judopay wrote…

”Jess has helped us achieve a great deal with fairly minimal marketing budgets. A great hire for the company and someone who amply displayed and lived our values of curiosity, collaboration, commitment and resilience.”

Despite having a small team, Jess continues to exceed expectations. The Judop blog makes finance interesting (even for those who don’t understand it) and their latest webinar on the UK’s digital shopping shift had over 100 attendees and rave reviews. Consistently great.

Alice Ratcliffe
Head of Brand - Trip CBD
Leading Brand Marketer (female)
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Trip CBD is taking the beverage world by storm. Not only are they the UK’s #1 CBD brand, they are the UK’s fastest growing soft drinks brand, and 4th fastest growing company in the UK and they recently won the award for Great British Entrepreneur Awards & Community.

They are leading the way in the CBD, health and wellness space. And, none of this could have been achieved without Trip CBD’s killer branding, headed up by Alice Ratcliffe.

It’s branding is clean and fresh; all the things drinking Trip CBD should make you feel. The pastel colours and simplicity scream luxury and sophistication. And, Trip CBD’s recent dry campaign had the perfect aesthetic and copy [”0% Hangxiety, 0% regrets”] and it well deservingly blew up on social media. Alice, you’re nailing it.

Nick Lisher
CMO - Flo Health
Best Marketing Initiative
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There are few marketers with a cooler CV than Nick Lisher. Previously CMO at Depop, then Head of EMEA at Nextdoor and now CMO at Flo Health. Every company Nick has worked for has a fantastic mission.

And, Flo Health is no different. Flo Health aims to give female health (which is notoriously neglected) the attention it deserves. It aims to empower users with knowledge and information.

Last year, they empowered pregnant app users by sharing short stories tailored to their pregnancy journey. These stories saw an 80% increase in free trials and 30% of users opened at least 1 story.

Everything from Flo Health’s in-app content to its social media content captivates and educates its audience. It positions itself as a must-have app and that is why Nick has won Best Marketing Initiative.

Rich Thrift
Head of Brand and Creative - Curve
Leading Brand Marketer (male)
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Curve is a financial super app that connects all your cards in one. Better known as the dream wallet. And, Rich Thrift is Head of Brand and Creative.

We know what you’re thinking, how could someone working for a payment platform win Best Brand Marketing - don’t they tend to be rather boring? Well, not this one and that’s why Rich has won the Oscar.

Curve’s branding and creativity is vibrant and eye-grabbing. All the messaging is easily understandable. It’s friendly, welcoming and not overwhelming, something that is rare within the world of finance.

Branding within finance tends to be overly serious because your audience must trust you. So, it’s more difficult to show brand personality. However, Curve and Rich prove it can be done.

Nia Patel
Marketing Executive - Little Dish
Best Breakthrough Marketer
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Nia Patel is our Best Breakthrough Marketer.

Within 2 years, Nia has gone from feeling lost and scared to consistently posting on LinkedIn and growing a community of 12K.

Her content is honest, relatable, empowering and motivating. Nia has recently become a LinkedIn Top Voice in Social Media and Creative Strategy and she empowers us all to start building the career of our dreams today. What are we waiting for?

Nia has achieved so much in such a short amount of time. We can’t wait to see where she is in 2 more years.

Courtney Johnson
Best Freelancer Female Marketer
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When it comes to the Best Female Freelance Marketer, there was no other choice than Courtney Johnson. Courtney is a Social Media and Freelance powerhouse.

Courtney has 157.4K followers on TikTok and 4.2m likes on the platform. On top of that, she has 25.5K followers on LinkedIn and she is ra-ra-raking it in on the Passionfruit Platform as a freelancer. Trust us, we know. We pay her bills.

Her life is all about content creation and inspiring other marketers to take ownership of their work lives by becoming a freelancer. Courtney doesn’t just preach, she shows her audience exactly how to build the life they’ve always dreamt of.

Ben Steele
Best Freelance Male Marketer
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Ben Steele is our Best Male Freelance Marketer and boy, does he deserve it.

Ben is just 22 years old but has still secured clients like Boots, MARS and Salesforce as a Copywriter and Social Media Freelancer.

He specialises in producing content focused on Gen Z and that content never misses a beat. Ben has helped a very well-known Pet Food brand (think dogs) gain 64.6K likes on TikTok with an engagement rate of 11.16%. If you need help with TikTok, Ben is your man.

And, he is KILLING it as a freelancer. Taking home cheques we can only dream of.

Plus, Ben is currently travelling the world whilst freelancing. Life goals.

Want to Win a Marketing Oscar?

Behind every Oscar winner, is a team of talented marketers helping them. It's tough doing it all on your own. If you want to stand out, consider partnering with our incredible marketing specialists.

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