We connect businesses with freelancers in 72 hours.

We remove the headache of hiring and cut the time to find and onboard quality marketing talent in half.

Trusted by companies around the world
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How we vet

Our vetting process

Only 12% of freelancers are accepted into the Passionfruit network.
‍We use a six-step process to ensure quality.

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Filter the best

We screen applicants based on their experience, skills and professionalism.

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In-depth review

Then we request a portfolio or examples of work before their interview.

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Next, we interview applicants to make sure they have what it takes to make an impact.

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On-going monitoring

With regular check-ins, we ensure they deliver the highest standard throughout each project.

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Reference check

We also request references and check in with past clients and companies.

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Written task

Those who pass the interview submit a written task to assess their technical knowledge.

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We've made it easy for you to find vetted, flexible, quality marketing talent.

Join thousands of other businesses around the world using the Passionfruit platform to elevate their businesses and marketing teams.


How we compare

a chart comparing the pricing of passionfruit
We've made it easy

Bring the right specialists into your team seamlessly

Our specialists drive incredible results and integrate perfectly with your team, all whilst saving you from those hiring & onboarding costs.

Hire a specialist